Asian Strategy Development

Asian Strategy Development
June 2012
Project Challenge: 
Established certified Organic business is seeking entry and sustained market presence in Asian markets.
Our Role: 
  1. To prepare a comprehensive and clear strategic approach for entry the Asian market;
  2. Assess their company’s current business plan, and strategic thinking, identify gaps and articulate readiness for growth;
  3. Undertake a market analysis of their category in the chosen Asian market;
  4. Develop a report summerising findings with recommendations and a feedback mechanism;
  5. Final agreed strategy and action plan for business growth and market entry.
Outcomes & Benefits: 
  1. Assessment of current business plan and strategic documents;
  2. Asian market analysis and in country assessment; 
  3. Defined path for Asian entry determined and budgeted;
  4. Further training with NZTE and OSL undertaken.

Benefits include clear understanding and strategic partnership ready and confidence for readiness and market entry.